Who Am I?

I am a senior in Electrical Engineering at Purdue University

Where Am I Located?

Currently West Lafayette, IN, soon Iowa City/Muscatine, IA to return for the third rotation of my co-op program.

What Do I Do?

Actively a Student, Part Time Laboratory Teaching Assistant for Electronic Devices and Design Laoratory, and Full Time Electrical Project Engineer Intern at Bayer.


I go by he/him.

What do I Like?

I like playing with circuits, well, ever since i was a kid. Guess I found the right major huh?. Oh almost forgot road trips.

What I don't Like?

Inequalities of our society. But thats very deep to discuss here. Feel free to shoot me an email if you want to discuss more.

Fun Facts About Me?

My fun fact is that I don't have a fun fact :D

What do I do in My Free Time?

Free Time? What is that? Never Heard. Jokes aside I try to work on personal and professional development, volunteering and learn new things.

What is my 5-year plan?

Impact the society in some way. Obviously a good one. Don't really define myself as a supervillain.